The Canadian Patrol Frigate (CPF) is probably the most successful
international program. Winning took real teamwork as described in the
attached newsletter
article, contributed by Gene McCarthy. This newsletter also discusses
wins of the domestic AN/UYK-43 and AN/UYK-44 computer developments.
Canada provided UNIVAC with a second marketplace for Anti-Submarine
Warfare systems as related below by Gene McCarthy.
CP-140 was won when we had an International Division under John Vold.
Marketing director then was John Spearing, Canadian Marketing Manager
was Gene McCarthy. Jim Rapinac was head of TSD at that time while Dick
Seaberg ran the Navy Division, Dale Maus had ASD, Army, Air Force, FAA;
all of us under then VP/GM Ernie Hams. I was the DSD marketing VP when
we won CPF program in 1983. [Rapp]
We also have Japanese Navy programs, input from Don
Lovely and a Japanese P-3-C program input from Art Francis.
The German Navy programs began with
deliveries to the German Navy computer center in Wilhelmshaven Germany
in the late 60's. A second program delivered 1830B computers to the
Fast Patrol Boat program beginning with the computer center at Hollandse
Signaal Apparatan (HSA) in Hengelo, Netherlands. A third program to
deliver AN/UYK-7 computers to the German's Patrol Frigate program had
an interesting beginning, also at HSA.
See Anecdotes!
More about the Germany Navy systems is in the description of the
Bonn-Bad Godesberg
office. [lab]
David P. Andersen has written about the German Otto Versand
voice system.
Dick Lundgren has written
newsletter articles
about Norwegian defense systems, the Netherlands, German business, and
History of Sperry Univac DSD in Canada
As the US Navy (USN) was developing new airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare
(ASW) aircraft and capabilities, the Canadian Department of National
Defence (DND) decided that as a NATO member they also would need to
develop a Long Range Patrol ASW aircraft with state-of-the-art systems
capability. They had the choice of buying what the USN was developing,
from the USN, or developing their own ASW aircraft and systems. Of course
they chose to develop their own.
During early 1973, the Canadian DND asked for Concept Definition Phase
proposals from multi-engine aircraft companies. DND was asking for an
ASW and troop carrying capabilities in one configuration. Boeing, McDonnell
Douglas (MD) and Lockheed California Aircraft Company (CALAC) responded.
MD responded with their DC-10, Boeing with their 707 and Lockheed with
their P-3C. Sperry Univac DSD proposed to MD as well as Lockheed. Boeing
was operating independently. The DND was enthralled with the MD DC-10,
but the DND required more than two for the available program dollars.
If MD had not stopped building DC-8s, they would have been the leader.
The Avionics System they and Sperry Univac proposed was well received.
The final Request for Tender went out to Boeing and Lockheed. Stan
Foote, Director International Marketing, {Editor's Note: Stan Foote
was an officer in parts of Boslaugh's book} asked his Marketing Manager,
Gary Holthusen, to bring in a sales person with ASW experience for assignment
to the Canadian Long Range Patrol Aircraft (LRPA) Program. I [Gene McCarthy]
was asked to move from Naval Air Development Center (NADC) to Eagan
to take the position. I accepted after talking with Gary and then Stan.
DSD already had a team working on the proposal with Lockheed. Therefore
my job was to get the lay of the land and talk to the DND Air Force
people managing the Program. Major Ziglegansberger was the technical
leader of the program and our expert in ASW signal processing. I also
met the General, Program Director, and the Colonel, Program Manager
and Contracts Director as well as the folks who would enforce the political
requirements which are known as Industrial Benefits. Overall, it was
insinuated that Boeing could probably use our help as well as Lockheed.
The Air Force Program team seemed to want a jet rather than the propeller
plane those Americans down there are in love with.
After meeting with several City Managers, we selected Winnipeg to place
our factory because of its high tech work force, prominent national
politicians and, of course, Winnipeg’s close proximity to Eagan.
I kept thinking that there would be one winner with two bidders. That
amounts to a 50% chance of winning. That would be considered a great
chance in some leagues, but not this one. I therefore made plans to
visit Boeing. I put together the team with the proper skills and the
presentation materials needed. I then argued with my managers to allow
me to visit Boeing and they agreed, providing I pitched the S-3 1832
computer. I made a call to the Boeing Program Manager and he agreed
to host a meeting where he would have the appropriate people in the
meeting. I knew they preferred a distributed system, so I also had Paul
Williams prepared to present the UYK-20.
The only statement the Program Manager managed during or after the
AN/AYK-10 presentation was no thanks. I said I had one more presentation
and he agreed. Paul gave the UYK-20 pitch, which did raise a few eyebrows
and a lot of interest. Then they wanted to know why I was presenting
a shipboard computer for an airborne application. I said that I went
on the basis that the aircraft was a 707 and the vibrations and the
ambient parameters would be benign. The program manager shot back, “how
long would the computer run last if a 30" hole suddenly blew in the
fuselage at 30 thousand feet”? I answered that no one on the plane
would know, or care, if that calamity indeed happened. The Program Manager
thought for a few seconds and then said, "I guess you’re right
about that." We went on to bid a six-computer system and a high percentage
of the software, including two Univac 1108-based ground systems. The
overall dollars were about the same regardless of which prime won. Sleep
comes a lot easier with a 100 percent chance of winning.
Lockheed did go on to win the eighteen CP-140 aircraft program based
on price and the not-stated proximity of the U.S. Navy. We did open
an assembly plant west of the Winnipeg airport with Gerry Smith and
Glenn Johnson selected by Bob Faust to manage the plant. Many
cables and electronic boards were assembled and installed into the AN/AYK-10
computer in Winnipeg for the CP-140 program.
As I was meeting with the CP-140 program folks in the DND Headquarters
building in Ottawa, I was asked by Gary Holthusen to visit Lt. Cmdr.
Carruthers of the Canadian Navy who had some questions concerning the
AN/UYK-20 computer. I called Cdr. Carruthers and made an appointment
to meet with him. I called the Commander from the lobby and he came
down to meet me. He also took the opportunity to brief me on the makeup
of the Navy as well as the organization he was part of, Directorate
of Maritime Combat Systems. Jim Carruthers worked for DMCS-7, Systems
Engineering, led by CDR. John Matthewson. DMCS-7 was responsible for
all the subsystem interfaces that go onto a given ship class. DMCS-1
thru 6 are assigned as Navigation systems, Radar systems, Communication
systems, Sonar systems, Gun systems, Machinery Control etc. A Navy Captain
is responsible for DMCS.
Cdr. Carruthers was tasked with developing a mini Command and Control
system, known as ADLIPS for the newest destroyer class ships, the DDH-280
Class - for which new computers and software were required. Jim was
interested in learning about the U.S. Navy AN/UYK-20 for the computer system.
He had previously investigated all the competition’s computer
offerings, but I was the first Sperry Univac marketing person he had
the chance to talk to. I told him about the AN/UYK-20 and had several more
meetings with Jim and interested military and engineering personnel
from the other sections of the DCMS. At one meeting with about 30 Canadian
DMCS engineers, I had Mel DeBlauw answering their questions for about
two hours concerning just about every technical nuance imaginable, with
Mel answering the questions from his memory to their satisfaction. One
more question was asked about some minute detail on packaging and Mel
held his chin with his fingers and really stared with a deep frown for
a couple of minutes and said, 'I just don’t have that detail on
the tip of my tongue.' The audience roared and Jim Carruthers and John
Mathewson were proud of the knowledge base of Sperry Univac.
Jim ended up ordering eighteen UYK-20 computers for the ADLIPS program.
The Software was developed by Litton Systems Canada, the ADLIPS Contractor.
After buy-off at our Clearwater Plant, DMCS had them consigned to a
storage crib in Clearwater until the program was ready for them.
In the meantime, the U.S. Navy approved a development contract to double
the amount of the UYK-20 memory. I told Jim that we had the Development
contract and after talking to his colleagues and the ADLIPS program
people, he called me to Ottawa to meet with him and his DMCS superiors,
Cdr. Matthewson and the Captain. Since the new expanded memory would
go into the same slots as the previous memory, Jim asked if Sperry Univac
would buy back the unused memory of the computers in storage and insert
the new expanded memory, and they would pay the difference in price.
I said it sounded reasonable to me but I would have to check our contracts
It sounded good to my management, Tom Knops and John Spearing; however,
Don Blattie, our Contracts Manager, said the memories in storage were
officially bought and accepted by the Canadian Navy and would therefore
be considered as used equipment by our U.S. Navy contract, which called
for exclusively new equipment. We could not put them into the next computers
coming down the line. I felt as though I was in a vise until I asked
Don Blattie about the Foreign Navies that were buying UYK-20 Computers.
Do they also require exclusively new equipments in their contracts?
At least one did not. The exchange was made and the Canadians bought
the first sixteen Expanded Memory AN/UYK-20 computers our company sold.
The CPF program is discussed with the “CPF
Anatomy of a WIN.” The Canadian Navy went on to build eight
ships of a planned 16 ships. An abstract of Jim Carruther's SHINPADS
paper printed in the April 1979 Naval Engineers Journal may be a useful
definition of SHINPADS:
ABSTRACT: "The SHipboard INtegrated Processing And Display System
(SHINPADS) is a Canadian Forces Trademark and is not really a system.
It is rather a concept of ship integration—not combat system integration
or propulsion and machinery system integration but ship integration.
It encompasses the entire ship system including all combat system equipments,
marine engineering systems, and extending into administrative support
hardware. It is a concept based upon the idea of synergism, a property
which is best explained by stating the whole is greater than the sum
of its constituent parts. When the normal horizons of the subsystem
designer are discarded and the entire ship is considered as an entity,
the number of constituent parts available increases dramatically. But
how does one “get it all together”?
The answer is a distributed system approach in which former local subsystem
equipments are made to function as global ship resources. Whereas until
recently [where shipboard computers were concerned] “bigger was
better,” a distributed approach requires more numerous small processors
to be considered. Of course information must be made available to all
processors, so a high speed data exchange method must be provided. Enter
the SHINPADS Data Bus which not only provides this “ship central
nervous system” capability but replaces tons of point-to-point
wiring in the process. Other aspects of the concept include standardization
of hardware, software, and interfacing.
The SHINPADS concept is considered to provide redundancy and system
survivability at a reduced life-cycle cost. It is suggested that such
survivability cannot otherwise be achieved. The CPF software was developed
in Eagan, and the SHINPADS Manufacturing was performed in our Sperry
DSD Winnipeg Facility.
Beginning in about 1970 Univac was asked by NAVSEC to
support the development of a Japanese Navy (JN) Command and Control
(C & C) operational program for a new Japanese destroyer class the
DDG 168, Tachikaze [then designated DDG-2308] via a Foreign Military
Sales (FMS) contract with the USN. The Japanese Navy is officially known
as the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF). This system became
known as Weapon Entry System (WES), included a one CP-642B computer
system with six Hughes OJ-194 consoles. The WES interfaced with two
MK-152 [Univac 1219] computers, each part of the two MK-74 MFCS and
the MK-68, a 5-inch gun GFCS.
Jim LaCroix was the first program manager and later the marketing interface
to NAVSEC and to the JN Maritime Staff Office (MSO). Then John McKee
became the program manager for the DDG-2309. During the 2308 project
Univac hired Y. Tamagawa [Tommy] to help provide a direct interface
to MSO in Tokyo. Tommy had been a JN Captain and was previously the
Japan’s Naval Attaché to the US. The corresponding NAVSEC personnel
were Cdr. Don R. Pennington and Juris Ukstins.
Since the project was to host JN officers, Capt. Erick Swenson required
the operational software development be performed off-site from St.
Paul. Univac decided that the operational program specification, simulation
and test program development, and program certification be done by Navy
Systems, St. Paul and the operational program development and JN officer
OJT be done at the Technical Services Division (TSD) site in Valencia,
Program specification began in April 1972. Responsible for the specifications
were Larry Duder, Roger Schendel, Ralph Mikkelson, Don Lovely and Richard
Kelley (of Valencia) under the direction of project engineer Ed Temmers.
The simulation program was developed under the direction of Jim Overocker.
Valencia software developers included Richard Kelly, Jim Blowers, Gene
Balster, Kaz Furuya, and John Oesleby under the direction of Len Olson.
The program certification effort was led by Roger Schendel and the WES
operational program was officially certified and accepted by NAVSEC
in September 1974.
The JN officers on-site at Valencia were Lt. Murakami, Lcdr. Saito,
Lcdr Okuma, Lcdr. Kato, and Lcdr. Nozaki. The excellent rapport established
with these officers was very helpful in supporting contacts and communication
during the development of the several follow on ship combat C &
C software development efforts for the JN by TSD Valencia. Eventually
Murakami, Okuma, and Nozaki became Rear Admirals and Kato became a Vice
Admiral in the JN. Taki Saito left the JN then from 1976 to
2002 headed the St. Paul Univac to Lockheed Martin Tokyo office.
In early 1975 the Program Generation Center (PGC) at Valencia was moved
to the JN base at Yokosuka, Japan. Initial on site software support
was provided by Gene Balster with field engineering support by Ralph
Takayama. Working on board the DDG 168, Tachikaze at the Nagasaki shipyard
from June 1975 to February 1976 was Ed Keenan to provide software installation
assisted by the field engineer, Ernie Trettel. In September 1976 the
DD-168 arrived at Long Beach, California for three months of Ships Qualification
Trials (SQT), again supported by Ed Keenan and Ernie Trettel.
In September 1976 Univac delivered the first AN/UYK-20 PGC to Oki Electric
for the development of UYK-20 software programs by NEC, Hitachi, and
Mitsubishi for the DDG 2309 ship. Al Noda from Valencia and Jim Sprecher,
St Paul provided extended on site software development and field engineering
support. Later a number of additional AN/UYK-20 PGCs were installed
at various Japanese companies.
Rear Admiral Ryo Nozaki pictured in 1989. Then Lcdr. Nozaki was in Univac
St. Paul and Valencia during 1973/74 to participate in the development
of the DDG 168 software.
During 1975 - 1977, Valencia developed an upgraded version of the WES
operational software program for the DDG-2309 ship. This ship later
became the DDG-169 Asakaze. The software was developed at Valencia and
integrated and certified in 1976 at Yokosuka. Additionally, an Operator
Training Program was developed for the Japanese PGC. The in country
integration team consisted of Gene Balster, Francis Cartwright, and
Kaz and Elaine Furuya. After delivery of the program to the Japanese
PGC; Kaz and Elaine Furuya supported program maintenance at Yokosuka
from September, 1976 to June, 1977. From June, 1978 to March, 1979 Ed
Keenan and Jim Sprecher provided shipboard software and field engineering
support at Nagasaki.
During 1977 Univac signed an agreement to provide software development
support in Japan for MELCO to help develop a C & C system for the
DD-52 [became DD-122 - Hatsuyuki class - a 12 ship class]. The C &
C system was a dual AN/UYK-20 system using OJ-194 consoles. Ralph Mikkelson
starting in March 1978 spent 3 1/2 years on-site at Kamakura, Japan.
Harold Russell from Univac San Diego was there for 6 months and Vinc
Aye from Valencia was also on-site for 2 1/2 years.
From 1977 to 1978 a two CP-642B computer Tactical Data System (TDS)
operational and simulation program was developed at Valencia for the
DDH-2403, which became the DDH-143 Shirane. Len Olson was the project
engineer, Dick Kelley software development supervisor and Jim Cross
program manager for this effort and all follow-on JN C&C program
developments. Don Lovely was the proposal manager for these JN bids.
The TDS program was integrated and certified at Yokosuka in 1979. The
in country integration team consisted of Neal Clark, Laura Domoto, Will
Edwards, Carroll Hershey, John LeFeber, and Anne Reeder. John O’Dwyer
provided software support and Jim Sprecher provided field engineering
support for two years (1979-1981) at the IHI Tokyo shipyard, where the
ship was built. This TDS system was also installed on the DDH-144 Kurama.
From 1979 to 1981 a two-bay two-processor AN/UYK-7 computer operational
and simulation program was developed at Valencia for the DDG 2310 contract,
which became the DDG-170 Sawakaze and also was later installed on the
DDG 2311 (DDG-171 Hatakaze). The DDG 2310 was initially integrated at
the USN ICSTF facility at San Diego and completed and certified at Yokosuka
in June, 1983. The in country integration team consisted of Carroll
Hershey, Joe Dunn, Neal Clark, John Wasko, Brad Card, Sheila Ahlgrimm,
Doug Speiss, Bob D’Alo, Jim Logan, Ron Nishimoto and Anne Reeder.
Jim Sprecher provided field engineering support from January 1982 until
1983 at the Nagasaki shipyard. An upgraded software version for DDG
2312 was later installed on the DDG-172 Shimakaze.
The Japanese P-3C effort begin when Dick Kuhns and Don
Lovely wrote a description document on the P-3C aircraft systems and
ground support facilities and presented it to MSO in April 1975.
MSO decided to build a fleet of 100 P-3C aircraft. Kawasaki Heavy Industries
(KHI) was selected to build these aircraft under a Lockheed Burbank
license. The computer to be used on the Japanese aircraft would be the
Univac AN/ASQ-114 (CP-901) used by the U.S. Navy’s P-3C fleet.
These computers would be supplied by Univac to Japan via FMS with the
U.S. Navy. MSO also decided to build a Ground Support Computer Complex
(GSCC) to support the P-3C and CP-901 software. The first elements of
the GSCC would be a Program Generation Center/Software Development Facility
(PGC/SDF). MSO desired to have the PGC/SDF operate identical to four
facilities that the U.S. Navy used, but to be one facility in Japan
and share as much equipment as possible. The four U.S. Navy facilities
A Univac Eagan proposal for the PGC/SDF was developed
during 1977-1979. The initial team consisted of Don Blattie (Contracts),
Tom Knops (Marketing), Woody Spitzmueller (Program Management) and Don
Stang (Engineering). In 1978 Art Francis transferred from the Univac
TSD Warminster site to Eagan to be the Project Engineer. In 1979 Ken
Nelson (Software) was added to the team. Knops, Spitzmuller and Nelson
all had previous P-3C software experience at Warminster.
In 1979 a contract was awarded to Univac for the PGC/SDF. The contract
was a direct contract with JMSDF via the Japanese Trading Company Sumitomo.
P-3C avionics equipment used in the SDF were obtained by the Japanese
from the U.S. Navy via FMS and shipped to Eagan. Woody Spitzmueller
was Program Manger, Art Francis was Project Engineer, Don Stang was
lead hardware and Ken Nelson was lead software.
The proposal included the design and development of a unique piece
of equipment for the PGC/SDF referred to as the Transfer Control Unit
(TCU) and helped convince MSO to select Univac for the contract. Because
the four proposed centers would share equipment and cables only one
could operate at a time. The TCU provided the capability to switch electronically
between centers in seconds with no physical change in equipment or cables.
It also provided some additional aids to the SDF operators such as the
loading of sonobouys and weapons on the simulated aircraft. The TCU
was designed in Eagan and built at Univac Salt Lake City.
Two CP-901 computers were proposed. One computer was dedicated to the
SDF as the simulated aircraft computer. The other computer was host
to the compilers and simulation software. The second computer required
some hardware changes to accommodate the CMS-2Q complier.
MSO wanted the PGC to perform in the exact same manner as the Compiling
Systems used by the U.S. Navy. The commercial equipment used by the
U.S. Navy was obsolete and could not be provided. To resolve this problem,
two Univac 1600s, new tape units, disks and printers were proposed.
Simulation software was developed to provide an environment along with
the new hardware so that the compliers functioned in the same manner
as they did at the U. S. Navy sites.
The PGC/SDF was designed, built, tested and certified in Eagan. Additional
project personnel included Ed Keenan, Rue Shibata, and Denny Moe. The
contract also included the design and development of racks and cabinets.
Marv Williams was the lead installation design engineer. Equipment racks
were designed to meet Japanese earth quake requirements. Bob Pagac was
responsible for subcontracts. The lead test engineer was Al Kochevar.
In November of 1981 a Northwest 747 was chartered and the entire system
was shipped to Tokyo and trucked to Asugi Naval Air Station southwest
of Tokyo. The building used to house the PGC/SDF was under construction
but the area for the PGC/SDF was a completed shell ready for use. Univac
Eagan along with Fujitsu installed the raised floor, installed all the
equipment and ran all the cables. Univac Eagan then tested and recertified
the system. This was all completed by the end of March of 1982. Denny
Moe remained in Japan full time for a year to provide hardware support.
During the time frame of the PGC/SDF design and development in Eagan,
22 JMSDF Officers were trained at Eagan by Bob McCabe and his training
organization under a FMS contract.
From 1981 through 1996, 108 CP-901 computers were built and shipped
to Japan. This includes the aircraft computers, PGC/SDF computers, ASWOC
computers, and the Integration Test Facility (ITF) computer at KHI.
The initial computers were contracted under FMS contracts, but in 1984
the contract method was changed and contracts were direct to JMSDF via
Sumitomo. Most of this period, Bob Pagac was the Program Manager.
In 1979 MSO designated Fujitsu as the maintenance contractor for the
CP-901 in Japan. Univac received a contract from Fujitsu via Sumitomo
in 1984 to provide hardware maintenance training. Bob McCabe’s
training organization provided the training in Japan. Bob Pagac was
the Program Manager. During this time period, Tommie Tomagawa and Taki
Saito provided in country support.
In the late 80’s and early 90’s Unisys developed the AN/ASQ-212
(CP-2044) computer to replace the CP-901 on the U.S. Navy’s P-3C
aircraft. MSO also had a desire to update the CP-901 computer on the
Japanese P-3C aircrafts. In August 1991, Rob Sedlach (Marketing), Jim
Olijnek and Bob Pagac (Program Management) and Art Francis (Engineering)
made a one day presentation on the CP-2044 at Sumitomo. The presentation
was attended by about 50 MSO Officers and Japanese Industry personnel.
MSO wanted the replacement computer to be built in Japan and designated
Toshiba as the builder. Univac developed a proposal in 1992-3 for Toshiba
to build the CP-2044 under a Manufacturing License Agreement. A proposal
was also generated to supply piece parts and test equipment. A license
agreement and a contract for the first six computers and test equipment
were awarded to Unisys by Toshiba via Sumitomo in 1994. The contract
provided for the delivery of three knock-down kits built in the U.S.,
two partial knock-down kits with some computer modules being only piece
parts and the sixth computer being all piece parts. Don Blattie and
Tim Recer (Contracts), Bob Pagac (Program Management) Art Francis (Project
Engineer) and Taki Saito (In Country Support) supported the proposal,
license and contract negotiations. The first computer and test equipment
were delivered in 1995. Follow on contracts through 2006 would provide
40 to 60 percent of the piece parts for a total of 45 computers. The
following personnel also worked on the piece parts contracts: Les Nelson
(Systems Engineer and Project Engineer), Gus Granger (Contracts), Chuck
Hobus (Clearwater Program Management) and Marv Burns (Quality Control).
By the time Japan agreed to purchase the CP-2044, a major obsolescence
problem had occurred. The bubble memory built by Hitachi that was used
in the U.S. computer was no longer available. Toshiba required that
a military replacement part must be used. After several negotiations
it was agreed that a Raymond Engineering military disk would be used.
Ray Hedin (Lead Hardware Engineer) along with a staff of hardware, mechanical
and firmware engineers made the required changes to the computer. The
knock-down kits were built at Unisys Pueblo, Colorado. The piece parts
kits were but together at Unisys Clearwater, Florida. KHI also signed
a contact with Unisys via Sumitomo for test equipment in 1994. This
equipment was also delivered in 1995. Installation of the test equipment
at Toshiba and KHI was supported by Unisys Engineering.
A Japanese CP-2044 lab was established in 1993 in Eagan for the development
and checkout of related contract items. Steve Bennett was the Lab Technician
responsible for this lab until he retired in 2005. After the CP-2044
was selected to replace the CP-901 on the Japanese P-3C, upgrades to
the PGC/SDF were required.
MSO designated Fujitsu as the Japanese contractor to
perform these changes and it was referred to as the GSCC Upgrade. Univac
developed a proposal in 1992-3 for Fujitsu to make these changes. The
changes included a complete set of software tools to develop and upgrade
CP-2044 software running on Sun Workstations in the PGC and the capability
to host the CP-2044 simulation software on Sun Workstations in the SDF.
A contract was awarded by Fujitsu via Sumitomo to Unisys in 1993. Don
Blattie and Tim Recer [Contracts], Bob Pagac [Program Management] Art
Francis [Project Engineer] and Taki Saito [In Country Support]
supported the proposal and contract negotiations. The changes were designed
and developed in Eagan by Gary Reetz [Lead Systems Engineer], Pam Johnson
[Software Technologist] and a staff of software engineers. In July of
1995 a team of four Fujitsu engineers trained in Eagan for four weeks
and witnessed the test and certification. John Rachac developed the
test procedures and led the test team. After certification the system
was shipped to a Fujitsu facility in Namazu, Japan for testing by Fujitsu.
Loral supported this testing for a period of two weeks. After the Fujitsu
testing, the system was shipped to Atsugi Naval Air Station and installed
in the GSCC. Loral engineers supported Fujitsu and JMSDF personnel at
the GSCC for a period of seven months. Les Nelson, on a temporary assignment,
worked fulltime in Japan on this support. Gary Reetz, Pam Johnson, and
other software engineers rotated back and forth between Eagan and Atsugi
to provide support.
During this time period, Unisys supported the Japanese computer upgrade
under FMS contracts with the Naval Air War Center (NAWC) at Warminster,
Pa. Mary Markov was the Program Manager and Art Francis was the Project
Engineer. Bernie Gaub and his staff of software engineers upgraded the
simulation software that was developed for use in Eagan for the U.S.
Navy’s CP-2044 software checkout and test. Ray Hedin
and his engineers designed and built a kit that would convert a U.S.
Navy CP-2044 to a Japanese CP-2044 and back again. A large group of
software engineers working on both the U.S. Navy and Japanese CP-2044
developed a CP-2044 software training course and helped teach the course
to JMSDF Officers at NAWC in Warminster, Pa.
During the time period that MSO was updating the P-3C computer, they
also were updating the radar to new ISAR/SAR radar. Toshiba was building
and installing the new radar under a license with a U.S. Contractor.
The installation required a unique set of installation trays with fans.
In 1996, Toshiba awarded Loral a contract via Sumitomo to obtain these
trays in the U.S. and ship them to Japan. Multiple contracts for trays
through 2006 have been awarded. Personnel involved in these contracts
were Gus Granger (Contracts), Bob Pagac [Program Management], Art Francis
and Les Nelson [Project Engineer], Marv Burns [Quality Control] and
Steve Bennett [Testing].
With the installation of the new radar, Sensor Station Three (SS-3,
non-acoustic operator station) workstation on the Japanese P-3C required
an update. MSO selected Fujitsu to make this change. MSO required that
no software changes in the CP-2044 could be made to accommodate the
new display. In 1995 Fujitsu requested Loral to propose equipment that
could accept the output from the CP-2044 for a stroker type of display
and convert and combine the data with the output from the radar on a
new raster type of display to be supplied by Fujitsu. Hue White along
with other engineers developed a proposal to modify the Video Display
Controller (VDC) used with the CP-2044 on U.S. Navy P-3Cs. Also involved
in this proposal was Tim Recer (Contracts), Bob Pagac [Program Management],
Art Francis [Project Engineer], Gary Reetz [Systems Engineer] and
Taki Saito [In Country Support].
In 1996 Fujitsu via Sumitomo awarded Loral a contract
to design and develop the modified VDC. A prototype was designed, built
and tested in Eagan by Ray Hedin and a staff of hardware engineers,
Rob Nelson and a staff of firmware engineers, Gary Reetz [Systems Engineer]
and Marv Burns [Quality Control]. Test equipment was built in Eagan
and shipped to Loral Clearwater to be used in production of the Japanese
VDC. The first production unit was tested on the test equipment for
Fujitsu, certified and shipped to the Fujitsu Test Facility in Nasu,
Japan in 1998 to be used by Fujitsu as a test lab unit. A total of 28
production units were built at Lockheed Martin Clearwater and shipped
to Fujitsu under follow on contracts with the last unit being shipped
in 2004. The following personnel also worked on the follow on contracts:
Gus Granger [Contracts], Les Nelson [Project Engineer], and Steve Bennett
[Lab Technician].
In 2000 MSO decided to update the Japanese P-3C with the Missile Warning
and Dispensing System used on the U.S. Navy’s P-3Cs. MSO selected
KHI to perform this update. KHI requested a proposal from Lockheed Martin
Eagan in 2000 to provide installation designs for the Missile Warning
and Dispensing System. KHI via Sumitomo awarded a contract to Lockheed
Martin in 2001. Lockheed Martin made deliveries of drawings and documents
to KHI in 2001 and 2002. KHI signed a license in 2002 to use the installation
designs on 12 aircraft. Personnel involved in this contract were Gus
Granger [Contracts], Bob Pagac [Program Management], Art Francis and
Les Nelson [Project Engineer], Gary Reetz [Systems Engineer] and other
Lockheed Martin engineers.
In 1997 MSO started looking at requirements needed to replace the P-3C.
Japanese Industry was tasked to determine what these requirements would
be. During the time frame of 1997 to 2006 Lockheed Martin Eagan has
had numerous meetings with the following Japanese Companies: KHI, Toshiba,
Fujitsu, MELCO and NEC. Lockheed Martin has received contracts from
Toshiba to develop and teach a course on software development, perform
various studies and modeling and simulation for the aircraft replacement.
Lockheed Martin has also received contracts from MELCO to perform various
studies. Personnel involved in these meetings and contracts were Gus
Granger [Contracts], Bob Pagac [Program Management], Art Francis [Project
Engineer], Les Nelson [Systems Engineer and Project Engineer], Gary
Reetz [Systems Engineer], Pam Johnson [Software Technologist], Taki
Saito, and other Lockheed Martin engineers.
Dick Lundgren's newsletter articles about Norway, the Netherlands, Germany, etc. have been combined into a *.pdf document. David P. Andersen has written about the German Otto Versand voice system. Manfred Weise has provided a set of slides about German Business history. A bit about France - written by Dick and Lowell.
In 1964 the French Navy purchased CP-642B computers and peripherals
to begin integration of their fleet with the U.S. Navy’s Naval
Tactical Data System. UNIVAC developed the French programming center
CPM (Centre de Programmation de la Marine) in Paris near the Eiffel-Tower
for software and hardware training (1966/67).The on site Program Manager
was Bob Fischer who reported to Leon Findley in St. Paul. The long time
on site Marketing representative even after Bob returned stateside was
Ray Costello. The French really wanted to do it themselves so we didn’t
do much more business with them. [lab]
Although in 1977 a fleeting flicker of French romance was rekindled
with Thompson-CSF and realized by W. S. Howe on a 3-month assignment
in Paris (direct quote: “That may have been one of the best jobs
I ever had!”). The product sold to Thompson, which included installation
and training support, was a software generation system based on the
AN/UYK-20 computer and commercial peripherals. The Mini Systems group,
under Bob Potter at that time, was the responsible organization. The
greater potential of this relatively minor business with France was
never realized and the ember died out and remains cold until today.
In 1988, a $22.7 million contract was awarded to PARAMAX
for the Egyptian Navy Fire Control system (ENFCS). A 63 member Electronic
Systems ENFCS Team was responsible for developing, testing, integration,
and delivery of four systems for the Egyptian Navy Romeo, diesel-powered
attack submarines. The Romeo was originally designed in the 1950s by
the former Soviet Union and subsequently built for Egypt by the Peoples
Republic of China. The role of PARAMAX was modernize its fire control/antisubmarine
warfare capabilities. At that time, the state-of-the-art onboard combat
control system integrated information from nine sensor subsystems and
presented the coordinated track environment to two operator consoles.
The system then sent firing data to eight weapon tubes, and allowed
the operator to assign weapon presets to three different weapon types,
and control up to eight weapons simultaneously from the consoles.
ENFCS was much more than a simple fire control system. It included
all aspects of combat data systems for surface, shallow water, and sub-surface
applications. It was an important first step toward the future Open
Architecture Combat Control Systems based on modular design of hardware,
software, and firmware with considerable spin-off potential.
This system included new design and subcontractor development of operator
consoles with embedded processors, PARAMAX developed firing and distribution
equipment and all software and firmware associated with combat system
control. In addition, PARAMAX was responsible for in-country electronics
integration of all sensor and weapon systems with the ENFCS Combat Control
System. These touch-sensitive operator consoles were the first PARAMAX
designed consoles to have undergone and, subsequently passed environmental
The contract was completed in 1995, on time and well within cost, with
successful At Sea Acceptance Testing of the systems for all four Egyptian
submarines in Egyptian waters of the Mediterranean. This was a very
exciting and rewarding program for me. As program manager, I started
the program with the nine lives of a cat but finished with the number
significantly decreased. At the award of the contract the initial phase
was the selection of the Program Staff. The initial choice was the Project
Engineer, Rod Ewert, and with his assistance, the gathering of an excellent
program team. All of the project team did excellent work over the development
segment of the program. During the Lab Acceptance testing, the Egyptian
Officers who were there for the acceptance were very impressed with
the system. The representatives from the Naval Warfare Center who observed
the tests stated “one of the best run programs we have ever seen”.
The in-country activities were again very rewarding working with the
other contractors and the Egyptian Navy.
The part of the program that impacted the number of lives that I have to
live was during the final design stages when I was in Alexandria, Egypt
with Dan O Keefe, one of the design engineers. We had completed the
meetings and were in the process of returning to the U.S. We rented
a Limousine (old Mercedes with no seat belts) to take us from Alexandria
to Cairo (3½ hours across the desert) to catch the plane to the USA.
The drivers make money by getting you to Cairo fast so they can bring
different passengers back. I do not remember what happened but it was
relayed to me later by Dan O Keefe.
We were going out of Alexandria on the dessert highway at about 100
mph when a front tire blew. The limo flew off the road, and as it came
down head first and slammed into the sand/rocks, the rear door came
open and Dan was ejected, bruised bit not damaged. The auto rolled a
couple of times and Dan said when it came to a stop, he ran over to
see how we were. Apparently the driver and I had been thrown out a side
window. He found the driver embedded in the sand and in the process
of dying. He found me about 20 meters outside the car also embedded
in the sand and rock. No other cars stopped and Dan found a Bedouin
Tribe in the desert area. They moved the driver and myself to there
tents and Dan walked over a mile to the nearest telephone to call the
Contractor Office in Cairo. They called the U.S. Consul who sent his
doctor and ambulance out to get me. By the time they arrived, the driver
was dead and I was flailing. By the time they got me back into Alexandria,
my head was twice its normal size with fluids. They opened my scalp
to relieve the pressure to prevent brain damage. Alexandria doesn’t
let planes land after dusk because of all the military installations,
but they made a dispensation and let Swiss Air fly in and transport
me to Geneva. I did not remember anything until Saturday Evening, three
days after the accident. I was sent back to the USA on the following
Wednesday (one week after the accident). I was in a wheel chair but
could walk somewhat tentatively. On Friday, they had me talk to the
doctor at Plant 1. He said to not work for one month and then ½ time
until I recovered. I went home and was bored out of my mind so I went
to work Monday full time. [jb]
This is just a follow up to the TPS-59 Project - from Larry Pierson.
Carl Rumsey was the marketing manager and Larry Pierson was the program
manager. We also were in country for six weeks installing a program
generation center on their site. The individuals in country were Larry
Pierson, Marvin Williams, and a field engineer - don't recall his name.
When we completed the installation, the field engineer stayed in-country
and provided another six weeks of training. The training in St. Paul
lasted for 22 weeks for the two Egyptian Navy Officers. The chauffer
for the two officers was Robert Larson's [financial expert] father-in-law.
The eight AN/UYK-7 computers and fan-out were the last units manufactured
by Sperry-Eagan.
This section stays below the equator to feature our legacy in Australia. Our first Australian customer was the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) which began the acquisition of their first NTDS-equipped ships in 1972. Bruce Grewenow was assigned as program manager for what became known as the RAN NCDS (Naval Combat Data System) for the three DDGs, HMAS (Her Majesty’s Australian Ship) Perth, Hobart, and Brisbane. The NCDS was developed from the Junior Participating Tactical Data System (JPTDS) used in the USN DDGs at the time. The core team of Univac engineering personnel included Morley Moe, Denny Drake, Tom Grendzinski, Jim Heidbrink, and Jerry McGee, and the interface to the USN side was PM Faith Rawdon-Smith.
The RAN NCDS project involved the design and construction of a Combat
Data Systems Centre (CDSC) in Canberra, extensive modifications to existing
software, and completed system installation on the three RAN DDGs in
The original NCDS was based on the UYK-7 computer which eventually came
to be replaced by UYK-43 computers in the 80s, at which time the mission
and simulation systems were also brought up to the modernized USN DDG
standard. An often overlooked aspect of international sales is Offset.
What does the host country get other than the systems they buy?
In the case of the Australians, Univac later established a joint venture company (C3I) with EMI Australia (EMI worked closely with us in the CDSC) and we transferred mil-spec circuit board technology to Morris Productions in Sydney.
The UYK-20 computer also found its way down under with a small sale to Singer-Librascope for use in a RAN Submarine program. In the early 80s, the RAN began adding six FFG ships with NTDS capabilities. They are currently operational as decommissioning for the first three DDGs began in the late 90s.
In 1977-78, we took on a study to extend NCDS capability to smaller
RAN ships. Members of the original NCDS core team participated as did
other employees from what was the Sperry Univac International Systems
Division at that time.
The Small Ships Combat Data System (SSCDS) study effort included ISD
employees Max Tiede, Ernie Lantto, Steve (Wyatt) Howe, Pat Gartner,
Chuck Burk, and others. The potential business looked good until the
Australian voters at the time opted for a change in government which
resulted in the wind coming out of the RAN’s sails for the SSCDS
implementation aboard ships.
The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has also been a customer for
our P-3C maritime surveillance systems. The RAAF’s experience
with the P-3 goes back to 1968 when they took delivery of their first
Lockheed P-3Bs, and in 1977 they got their first P-3Cs with the Univac
CP-901 computer. In 1995 computer upgrades (and many others) were in
order. Work began in Greenville, TX in 1997 with LM-Eagan under contract
to E-Systems to provide the CP-2044 computer as well as other hardware
and software enhancements.
Australia’s neighbor New Zealand has also had P-3Bs going back
to 1966. However, their upgrades and life extension programs have taken
a different path involving other contractors.
Our company does not have an extensive business history in Africa, but there are two notable stories at Africa’s geographical extremes. The earlier story began in Johannesburg, South Africa (officially the Republic of South Africa or RSA) in 1969.
We were the Univac Division of Sperry Rand Corp. at that time, and headquarters in New York City had decided to set up a subsidiary in South Africa. Glen Hambleton was the head of the old DSD Education Department at that time, reporting to Roy Hegler. Glen was tapped to relocate with his family to Johannesburg and become part of the “landing crew” to establish the subsidiary.
Others from St. Paul who went with Glen were Dave Klinzman and Art Larson, and they were joined by an overseas American Eli Hiller and the British Robin Luggard-Brayne. There were some early sales successes with commercial 1106s and 1107s, supplemented by DSD’s 1004/1005 punched card handling equipment. Sales were accomplished either through the newly established subsidiary or through various “agents” at that time. Maintenance services for the commercial computers were handled by Univac France. The office clearly had an international atmosphere.
There were no sales of DSD military equipment to South Africa, although Glen became aware of DSD equipment in South Africa when they received calls for logistic support from a NASA Apollo tracking station just outside Johannesburg. The NASA tracking stations worldwide were using the extremely high reliability DSD computers (primarily used in USN shipboard applications) for processing and transmitting tracking data. T his equipment included the 642B and 1218 computers as well as the 642B EMU (Expanded Memory Unit) and the 1540 magnetic tape handler. Over the years NASA continued to be a good customer for Sperry’s commercial 490 and 1100 series at the Johnson Space Flight Center in Houston and at other sites.
An interesting side story to the NASA tracking stations occurred in 1967 when two young engineers/instructors paid training visits (for DSD equipment updates) to the NASA tracking stations worldwide. The training was carried out by Walt Dietz (married guy) and Paul Burley (single, irresistibly dashing, and with a great future ahead of him in the best company in the computer industry). Both had memorable eye-opening experiences at Atlantic, Pacific, and Australian tracking sites as well as in transit between them.
Glen Hambleton was also later very active in the pursuit of the Russian ARTS (Air Traffic Control) business. For that purpose Glen was assigned to the London Office from late 1973 to 1976 with many trips into Moscow and many memorable stories. Woody Knight was the controller for the Russian ARTS proposal team. Although Russian ARTS did not pan out for us, much later Lockheed Martin did form a joint venture with a Russian company for building rockets.
Egypt, at the northern extremity of the African continent, was the customer for our effort in the Romeo Class Submarines. The Romeo Class Subs were Russian-designed, Chinese-built, and American-modernized. The name on our door was PARAMAX at the time we got this turn key contract from the Egyptian Navy which covered the range from system specification and design through total system installation, test and acceptance on board each of the subs. The initial effort began in early 1988 when Quint Heckert and others did the initial survey of the boats and then wrote the system requirements paper and the basic specification. Within two weeks the price and proposal were delivered to the Egyptian Navy. By the end of the year we were under contract to develop the system. The system was initially priced based on the TMD (Tactical Mode Display) with its embedded 502. We, however, changed that soon after award to the new MMD (Multi-Mode Display) that we developed for this effort. The MMD was 680xx based and since we had developed a CMS-2 compiler for the 680xx we had all the tools including a lot of the software required to do the job. Besides Quint, the other key players for this Egyptian program were John Booher, Dan O’Keefe, Rod Ewert, and Dick Wagner. At the Legacy website you can find more details about the Egyptian Submarine program provided by contributing authors John Booher (including his near fatal automobile accident in Egypt) and Quint Heckert [including lots of info about other submarine programs as well].
A second Egyptian program was the AN/TPS-59 air defense radar system.
This program, originally from the mid-80s, involved the UYK-7 computer
(including the fan-out tester) and the S-2049 data terminal set (USQ-69
displays) from Sperry-Eagan. It was an FMS case via the USN to the Arab
Republic of Egypt under program manager Carl Rumsey. Depot-level hardware
training took place in 1987 at the Eagandale facility, and was performed
by Bob Vogel and Owen Hefner from the Customer Training Department for
two Egyptian military officers. It was interesting to note that the
two officers were chauffeured daily to and from the Eagandale building
[a cultural norm for them/a cultural oddity for us]. In 2001 Lockheed
Martin’s Naval Electronics & Surveillance Systems (NE&SS)-Radar
Systems unit in Syracuse was awarded a contract for the refurbishment
of the eight Egyptian TPS-59 systems, following an earlier similar refurbishment
in 1995.
Legacy of International Programs – Focus on Republic of China
Ever since the Communists forces under Mao Zedong gained control of
mainland China in 1949 and the Koumintang Government under Chiang Kai-shek
fled to Taiwan (Formosa), the U. S Government has supported the Republic
of China (Taiwan). The mainland Peoples’ Republic of China still
claims Taiwan as a renegade province while Taiwan continues to maintain
autonomy. The economy of Taiwan experienced a transformation “miracle”
from a labor-intensive agrarian base to capital-intensive commodity
production and high technology. For a long time the mainland remained
mostly agrarian while politics insured economic stagnation, but in the
past two decades political changes have unleashed the energy and entrepreneurship
of the Chinese peoples. It remains to be seen how current economic events
will impact the relationship between the two Chinas.
Until recently, the role of LM-Eagan in support of the Republic of China
(Taiwan) has been mostly indirect. Our naval shipboard systems have
only come into the ROCN (Republic of China Navy) as a result of government-to-government
sales. With U.S. Government approval, the USN sold four previously decommissioned
Kidd Class DDGs to Taiwan. The Kidd class was also known as the Ayatollah
class (the Imperial Iranian Navy was the first intended customer) and
then became known as the “Dead Admirals” class for Adm.
Kidd and three other admirals all of whom died in WWII Pacific Combat.
In December 2005, the ROCN took delivery of the first two DDGs, the
Kee Lung (formerly USS Scott, DDG-995) and the Su Ao (formerly USS Callaghan,
DDG-994). In November 2006 they received the Ma Kong (formerly USS Chandler,
DDG-996) and the USS Kidd, DDG-993). These ships had all been considerably
modernized with the New Threat Upgrade and NTDS. The ships’ systems
contain USN legacy equipment from LM-Eagan, and support has been provided
to the shipyard in Kaohsiung, Taiwan as needed.
LM-Eagan began a different program in support of Taiwan security in
2003. This program, dubbed Po Sheng (Broad Victory), is Taiwan’s
biggest C4ISR program (Command, Control, Communications, Computers,
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance). Po Sheng is a foreign
military sales program designed to enhance C4ISR capability for the
air force, navy, army, joint defense platforms, and command and operations
centers. Taiwan has been characterized as an “Electronic Fortress”
under the Po Sheng program. This program is on-going and involves large
efforts for LM in Eagan and San Diego.
Lockheed P-3 aircraft have also been used by Taiwan. The ROCAF operated
at least two P-3s in a highly classified CIA black program from mid-1966
to early-1967. The electronic surveillance mission was completed and
the aircraft returned to the U.S. Other LM aircraft, currently in use
in Taiwan, include F-16 Fighting Falcons and C-130 Hercules.
What do Anna Leonowens, the Emerald Buddha, the River Kwai bridge and RTADS have in common? The answer is Thailand, or more specifically the Kingdom of Thailand (or Ratcha Anachak Thai). Historically Thailand has tenaciously and cleverly protected its independence, and in fact it was the only southeast Asian state to avoid colonial rule, quite a feat considering its location between French Indo-China and the British rule in Burma, India, and Malaysia. Much credit goes to political savvy in playing off the two giant colonial powers against each other.
Following WWII Thailand emerged as a strong ally of the U.S., although
a string of military regimes ruled the country until stable prosperity
and democracy arrived in the 80s. The Thai have been influenced by many
developments in the west, and when the need was at hand to modernize
their Air Defence System, they turned to Unisys. Unisys became the prime
contractor for the Royal Thai Air Defence System (RTADS), a countrywide
air defense system which went into operation in 1990. As prime contractor
Unisys was responsible for all functions, including system engineering,
system design, hardware procurement, software development, system integration,
training, integrated logistics support and systems test. In May of 1991,
Unisys also began the Joint Air Defence Digital Information Network
(JADDIN) system. JADDIN, which is designed to work in conjunction with
RTADS, is an integrated air defense information system whose mission
is to provide for the exchange and display of digital information, air
tracks, and command and control information at key Thai military service
air defense sites. The JADDIN system supports Army, Navy and Air Force
centers within the command structure of the Royal Thai Supreme Command.
JADDIN consists of the latest technology in work stations, systems and
application software, voice and data transmission communications equipment,
and large screen displays. All software applications were done in Ada
requiring more than 230,000 lines of code. JADDIN equipment is located
at the Royal Thai Air Defence System Air Operations Centre/Sector
Operations Centre in Bangkok and at eleven remote sites throughout Thailand.
JADDIN installation began in Thailand in June 1993 with system acceptance
following in late 1993.
Other units of Lockheed Martin have provided three squadrons of F-16s
to the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF) as well as six C-130Hs.
Dale Klette headed the Iranian engineering team in Eagan: Keith Myhre, Gary Reetz, Lou Besser and Ron Favorit.
Gene Schultz was the marketeer and Bob Pagac the subcontracts person. Sperry UNIVAC Eagan was going to be the combat systems prime integrator
which included all the weapons and sensors as well as the command and control system. We were teamed with AEG and a German shipyard (Bremer Vulkan?).
Efforts ended in January 1979 when the Shah was overthrown.
In 2007 Uwe Schmidt wrote to Dick Lundgren: Hi Dick, sorry that I do not have a personal archive of the German Navy's early use of the Naval Tactical Data Systems. Here are my recollections in chronological order. [Dick gave the 2007 email to Lowell at the June 2024 VIP Club board meeting.]
Formatted for the Legacy Anthology by LABenson, August 23, 2024.
Chapter 64 edited